As a general rule, repacks on newer game versions tend to be more bugged in terms of content, than repacks on old expansions.

The main difference is just that a repack for this expansion supports patch (9.0), while another repack may support a lower game version. That's why a Shadowlands Repack is similar to a repack on another expansion. A repack is the same resource, no matter what expansion it runs on.

The second question has a quite different answer. It allows you to quickly start up and manage your own server, and be your own Administrator. To answer the first question, a WoW Repack is basically a precompiled version of an emulated server of World of Warcraft. And perhaps you don't know the difference between a Legion Repack, and a WoW Shadowlands Repack. If you're not into the technical things, you might not even know what a repack is. Shadowlands WoW Repack × Dismiss alert What is a World of Warcraft Shadowlands Repack? But as it's a very new expansion, it also means that you should expect bugs when testing out the repack. If you have any concerns about the benefits, let us know and address it in the comment section at the bottom of the page! We provide you with the best repacks for the latest expansion, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. Not convinced yet? Luckily, these are only some of the benefits you get, when you download it. For example, you can add new game content, custom NPCS and much more. Basically, you can allow only the people you want, into your game version!