If you have the patience for this winding quest, check out our guide below for how to complete it. In addition to a hefty helping of lore, finishing Rya's questline will also earn you a talisman that increases the damage you take, effectively acting as a “hard mode” of sorts. In the case of Rya, her quest is a long, dark journey into the twisted depths of the Volcano Manor to face off against one of the Lands Between’s demigods. Tools: Painted with Gouache Holbein, on watercolor paper.Few would argue that any Elden Ring quest comes easily, but a large portion of them are required to complete if you want to experience the game's full story.

Zorayas, Elden Ring ©From Soft w are and Bandai Namco. Todo lo que están en la cosas escalofriantes y aterradora de Mansión del Volcán, la linda dama Zoraya, es la única que no posee maldad en ella y no es bestia sanguinaria como los demás guerreros serpientes, debido a eso Lady Tanith, la adopto como si fuera su hija de verdad.

La linda dama serpiente en Elden Ring, es uno de los personajes más inocente de Mansión del Volcán y todas la Tierras Intermedias.Ĭuando la conoces por primera vez en Liurnia, se te presentara como Rya, ya que por medio de hacer sus quest puedes llegar a la Mansión del Volcán (una de las otra forma para llegar a esa zona) y más aún cuando vas a sus questline conocerás su verdadera forma y que ella se llama Zorayas.Įn el momento que hable con Rya, me dije: "Si otro npc le toca un solo cabello voy a matarlo y no me importa que otras quest se valla al carajo". When you know her for the first time in Liurnia, she will be introduced to you as Rya, since by making her quest you can reach the Manor volcano (one of the other way to reach that area) and even more so when you go to her questline you will know Her true form and that she is called Zorayas.Īt the time I speak with Rya, I said: "If another NPC touches a single hair I will kill him and I don't care that other quests he fuck the hell."Įverything that is in the chilling things and terrifying Volcano Manor, the cute snake Zoraya, is the only one that does not have evil in her and is not a bloodthirsty beast like the other snake warriors, because of that Lady Tanith, I adopt her as if it were Your real daughter. The cute snake lady in Elden Ring, is one of the most innocent characters of Volcano Manor and all the Lands Between. MY LINK: TUMBLR - TWITTER - INSTAGRAM - PINTEREST